Reporte de caso

Concurrence of Guillain-Barré syndrome and primary biliary cholangitis not related to SARS-CoV-2: Case report

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Sensitive electrophysiological study.
Distal sensory latency (ms)Amplitude (mV)Conduction velocity (m/s)
NerveNormal valueValue at 1 month of illnessNormal valueValue at 1 month of illnessNormal valueValue at 1 month of illness
Median, right/ left< 3.22.4/2.0> 20 mV37.1/42.4> 5051.1/61.5
Ulnar, right/left< 3.21.8/1.7> 20 mV32.3/28.6> 5068.6/70.6
Sural, right/left< 4.03.8/3.6> 20 mV30.8/28.1> 4040.2/41.4

NR, no response. m/s, meters per second. mV, millivolts. ms, milliseconds.

Source: Prepared by the authors from the results of the study.