August 2016 - Vol 16, Issue 07


Masthead August;16(7)

Medwave 2016;16(07):e

( 1/09/2016)

Assessing the economic impact of cancer in Chile: a direct and indirect cost measurement based on 2009 registries

Camilo Cid, Cristian Herrera, Rodrigo Rodríguez, Gabriel Bastías, Jorge Jiménez

Medwave 2016;16(07):e6509

( 2/08/2016)

Spanish version of the Kidney Disease Knowledge Survey (KiKS) in Peru: cross-cultural adaptation and validation

Evelin Mota-Anaya, Daniel Yumpo-Cárdenas, Edmundo Alva-Bravo, Julie Wright-Nunes, Percy Mayta-Tristán

Medwave 2016;16(07):e6510

( 8/08/2016)

Biological accidents in last-year medical students from three hospitals in Lima Peru

Lilyan Consuelo Charca-Benavente, Grozny Howell Huanca-Ruelas, Oscar Moreno-Loaiza

Medwave 2016;16(07):e6514
