September-October 2017 - Vol 17, Issue 08


Predesigned labels to prevent medication errors in hospitalized patients: a quasi-experimental design study

María Fernanda Morales-González, María Alejandra Galiano Gálvez

Medwave 2017;17(08):e7038

( 8/09/2017)

Expectations towards alcohol consumption in school children between 8 and 12 years of age: a descriptive study

Rodolfo Gerónimo Carrillo, Karla Celene Ramos Rendón, Valentina Rivas Acuña, Griselda Hernández Ramírez, Yadira Mateo Crisóstomo

Medwave 2017;17(08):e7049


An educational strategy that promotes healthy habits in elderly people with hypertension in a municipality of Colombia: a participatory action research study

María Carolina López-Mateus, Erwin Hernando Hernández-Rincón, Camilo Alejandro Correal-Muñoz, Gina Paola Cadena-Buitrago, Ingrid Johanna Galvis-Díaz, Génesis Esmeralda Romero-Prieto

Medwave 2017;17(08):e7072


Case reports

Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis: a case report

Luis Alberto Concepción-Urteaga, Luis Alejandro Rodríguez-Hidalgo, Jorge Luis Cornejo-Portella, Oscar Neri Alquizar-Horna, Daniel Anderson Aguilar-Villanueva, Marcio José Concepción-Zavaleta, Mario Gustavo Azañero-Luján

Medwave 2017;17(08):e7040


Short communications

Scientific production of Vice Chancellors for Research in Peruvian universities with a medical school

Percy Herrera-Añazco, Germán Valenzuela-Rodríguez, Josmel Pacheco-Mendoza, Germán Málaga

Medwave 2017;17(08):e7074


Is a psychotherapeutic approach possible in primary health care?

Julio Torales, Iván Barrios, Susana Calero

Medwave 2017;17(08):e7056


Effectiveness of sugar-sweetened beverages taxes to reduce obesity: evidence brief for policy

Josefina Bascuñán, Cristóbal Cuadrado

Medwave 2017;17(08):e7054
