August 2021 - Vol 21, Issue 07

Research papers

Development and validation of an instrument to evaluate medical students' lifestyle

Jhony de la Cruz Vargas, Daniel Orejón, Luis Roldan, Lucy Correa-López, Alonso Soto

Medwave 2021;21(07):e8434

( 2/08/2021)

Survival analysis of patients with heart failure in the Ecuadorian Andean population

Alvaro Francisco Gudiño-Gomezjurado, René Buitrón-Andrade

Medwave 2021;21(07):e8440


Clinical characteristics and sociodemographic factors associated with COVID-19 infection in pregnant women in a maternal and children's public hospital

Yda Rodriguez Huaman, Pavel J Contreras, Michelle Lozada-Urbano

Medwave 2021;21(07):e8442


Psychometric validation of the Peruvian version of a short scale to assess psychological violence in health professionals: A cross-sectional study

Luis Fidel Abregú Tueros, Yefry Joel Galván Huaroc, Cármen K. Gonzáles Dimas, Gloria E. Cruz Gonzáles

Medwave 2021;21(07):e8452


Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of mothers with COVID-19 and their neonates: vertical transmission

Amalia Guadalupe Vega-Fernández, Betty María Zevallos-Vargas, Fiorella del Pilar Flores-Figueroa, Juan Carlos Holguín-Plasencia, Luis Martín Galois Centeno-Fuentes, Silvia Antonia Ayquipa-Gil, Ramón Alberto Lescano-Alva, Karla Patricia Arrasco-Castro, Hubert Alberto Alvarado-Herrera, William Robert Zafra-Alegre, Edgar Jaime Idrogo-Cayotopa, Cristian Pierre Reyes-Carranza, Leyla Kathy Ramírez-Gamarra, Jakelina Glenda Peña-Estrella, Angelica María Pardo-Carrasco, Susana Andrea Suárez-Rebaza

Medwave 2021;21(07):e8454


Methodological notes

How to interpret diagnostic tests

Ignacio Pérez, Iara Yamila Taito-Vicenti, Catalina Gracia González-Xuriguera, Cristhian Carvajal, Juan Víctor Ariel Franco, Cristóbal Loézar

Medwave 2021;21(07):e8432

( 4/08/2021)