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Towards a culture of quality hospitals

Creando una cultura de calidad hospitalaria


Introduction. In Chile we have an incipient culture on quality in healthcare and changing this culture is not easy. In our country we are just beginning to use this concept with respect to the explicit guarantee on quality in healthcare provision and corresponding institutional accreditation of healthcare facilities. Purpose. To provide guidance on the meaning of quality in healthcare, geared not just toward patient safety and the external user or client, but also toward the professionals who conduct their work as a team. Viewpoint. Total quality is built around the needs and preferences of patients, is based on the participation of professionals and teamwork, and considers all stakeholders of the institution, through optimum utilization of resources. Conclusion. The optimization of processes and the enhancement of quality in our work will lead to lower financial, human and physical costs, as well as in equipment and time, thus freeing resources that become available for the provision of healthcare. Moreover, a cycle of continuous improvement can be promoted.