Historical notes and reviews

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The results of Operation Access and the National Hemostasis and Thrombosis Program

Resultados de Operación Acceso y del Programa Nacional de Hemostasia y Trombosis


During the time span going from 1996 to 2006 the healthcare policies that address hemophilic patient’s dramatic needs were set up in Chile. Operation Access and the National Hemostasis and Thrombosis Program were implemented, both in charge of the Ministry of Health, with the support of the Chilean Society of Hemophilia and the School of Medicine of the University of Chile. The process was coupled with the systematization of case registries, a qualitative and quantitative advance in access to treatment options, including timely access to safe and effective medications, regardless of the health insurance system to which patients belonged. The previous article of this series describes both programs, while the present article describes the results in that the ten-year period.