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Basic health indicators in the province of Granma (Cuba) in the period 2007-2011: retrospective and descriptive observational study

Caracterización de indicadores básicos de salud en la provincia de Granma (Cuba) en el quinquenio 2007-2011: estudio observacional descriptivo y retrospectivo


Introduction and objective. The province of Granma in Cuba is not exempt from the changes that have been occurring in the country in recent years, resulting in an improved quality of life of its inhabitants. This study looks into basic health indicators of Granma as a result of a systemic and team approach of its human resources inserted in the provincial health system. Methods. An observational retrospective descriptive study was conducted to describe the results of the provincial health system based on demographic and morbidity indicators during the five years from 2007 to 2011. Results. A gradual increase in births and of the population older than 60 was found. Child mortality rates did not vary significantly. Direct maternal mortality decreased. Mortality from non communicable diseases was due mainly to heart conditions and malignancies. Mortality from stroke and accidents was reduced. Among the communicable diseases, there was an increase in chickenpox, gonorrhea, syphilis, and pulmonary tuberculosis, while viral hepatitis and meningoencephalitis decreased. Discussion. Morbidity and mortality studies are used to measure and indirectly assess the health status of a population, which in turn helps to plan the provision of services and scientific and technical development. Birth rates are increasing and deaths are decreasing, but there is no information on the quality of life of the aging population. Conclusion. The study found a predominance of older population. The most striking rates were those related to death from heart disease, malignancies and stroke. There was a greater morbidity from tuberculosis, chickenpox and gonorrhea.