← vista completaPublished on April 15, 2016 |
Acknowledgements to our 2015 peer reviewers
Agradecimientos a nuestros pares revisores de 2015
As every year, I am pleased to express our public acknowledgement to all the reviewers who collaborated with us during 2015.
They are:
- Alba Vélez Arango
- Alberto Morales Salinas
- Alejandra Nuñez
- Alvaro Gudiño Gomezjurado
- Ana González Ponce
- Ana María Vásquez Aqueveque
- Andrea Isabel Martínez Tapia
- Aristóteles Ramírez Salazar
- Armando Flores Rebollar
- Ayari Ávila
- Camilo Cid
- Carla Judit Rosales Ruiz
- Carlos Miguel Santos Anzorandia
- Carlos Zamora Linares
- Carolina Giráldez García
- Catherine De la Puente Agurto
- Christian Ramos Flores
- Claudia Troncoso Pantoja
- Cristian Eduardo Ríos Munita
- Cristóbal Cuadrado N.
- Daniel Cruz Miranda
- David Enrique Medina Rossel
- Dayna Paola Autún Rosado
- Diana Lozano Poveda
- Diego Vásquez Cedeño
- Douglas Colmenares
- Eda Siches Bahamondes
- Elisa Benito Martínez
- Erika Ana Pieretti
- Esteban Hadjez Berríos
- Esteban Zamora Risco
- Estuardo Salgado Yepez
- Evelyn Verónica Muñoz Sanhueza
- Fabian Cortes Padilla
- Fabio García García
- Fernando Novoa Sotta
- Gabriel Abdel Amar Basulto
- Gabriel Osvaldo Orduna
- Gabriela Blumtritt
- Georgina Contreras Landgrave
- Georgina Eugenia Bazán Riverón
- Gisela Arias Luna
- Gloria Valdés Stromilli
- Héctor Díaz Águila
- Héctor Pedetta Díaz
- Herman Rodríguez Bahamon
- Herney García-Perdomo
- Ignacio Araya Cabello
- Ingrid Yessica Rojas Stuardo
- Jaime Gonzalo Fernández Ruiz
- Jens Holst
- Joel Enrique Bravo Brown
- Jónathan Hernández Núñez
- Jorge Adrián Chuck Sepúlveda
- Jorge Calero Ricardo
- Jorge León Alvarez
- Jorge Sosa Flores
- Jorge Ybaseta Medina
- José Antonio González Ares
- Jose Calleja Rivero
- José Miguel Rodríguez Molina
- Juan Enrique Carrasco Pennaroli
- Juan Medrano Rodríguez
- Juan Pablo Amaya Placencia
- Juan Ritz Pérez
- Julián Hernández
- Juliana Arévalo Zorrilla
- Julio Brito Richards
- Julio Díaz Muñoz
- Karla Moscoso Matus
- Laura Elena Asencio Lopez
- Leonardo Cristián Cárcamo Grüebler
- Lina Méndez Regueiro
- Luis Álvarez Condor
- Luis González Alvarado
- Luis Lefio Celedón
- Luis Silva Aycaguer
- Luis Urtiaga
- Maira Quevedo Piña
- Manuel Garza León
- Marcela Frías Varas
- María Amparo de Jesús Kantún Marín
- María Astete Morales
- María Casanova Moreno
- María José Arriagada Fernández
- María Mercedes Regner
- María Patricia González Vega
- María Rodríguez Rodríguez
- María Rosa Oyarce Quiroz
- María Verónica Anguita Mackay
- Mario Rivera Escobar
- Matias Andres Libuy Rios
- Matías Sepúlveda Hales
- Mauricio Avila
- Mauricio Osorio Ulloa
- Miguel Poblete Sepúlveda
- Olga Hano García
- Oscar Moreno Loaíza
- Pamela Ivanovic Varas
- Pamela Serón Silva
- Pastor Galicia Pérez
- Paulina Andrea Araya Castro
- Perla Sonia Medina Aguilar
- Ramón Romero Sánchez
- Ricardo Cueto
- Ricardo Molina Vital
- Roberto Albín Cano
- Rodolfo Gerónimo Carrillo
- Rogelio Fernandez Arguelles
- Sara Romero Vanegas
- Sócrates Aedo
- Soledad Guadalupe Briceño Alvarez
- Tomás Noel Santana Téllez
- Yorschua Jalil
Special thanks to three star reviewers, who stood out for being frequent peer reviewers and excellently evaluated by our deputy editors.
They are:
- Jonathan Hernández Núñez, Obstetrician, from Hospital "Alberto Fernández Valdés", Mayabeque, Cuba.
- Gloria Valdés Stromilli, Nephrologist, professor at the Medical School in Universidad Católica de Chile, member of the Academy of Medicine, Santiago, Chile.
- Gisela Arias Luna, Internist from Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad de Oaxaca de la SSA, Oaxaca, México.
I express also my deepest sense of appreciation for the journal´s deputy editors during 2015, who were Carlos Becerra Verdugo, Felipe Cardemil Morales, Tania Herrera Martinez, Yorschua Jalil, Eva Madrid Aris, Fernando Manriquez Vergara, Pamela Seron Silva, Carolina Vergara Llanos and Manuel Vial Gallardo. They are the journal's core team as they help me in the editorial decision process of the arriving manuscripts. They are also exposed to my insistence when deadlines extend more than expected, so their patience is appreciated.
A key member of the team is Rosa Jimenez Paneque, my subeditor. She performs statistical review of all primary studies that arrive at the journal, as well as being in charge of supervising the publishing process.
It is necessary to mention the unconditional and selfless collaboration of Patricia Alvarez Cantwell, who reviews the abstracts in English to ensure they are properly presented at the time of publication.
The professional team of the journal is also composed, very importantly, by Rodrigo Nunez, publishing editor; Elena Lagos, in charge of style reviewing; and Marianela Morales, responsible for reviewing compliance with formal aspects. They also are a fundamental part of the soul of Medwave.
Reviewers, editors, technical editors and staff are those who give life to the publication, which would be nothing without the contribution of the authors, who come from the most diverse countries in Latin America and other regions as well.
But finally, the result of all this work in the processes of scientific communication is aimed at our readers. We appreciate their persistence and loyalty, a fact we can appreciate through the high number of visits we receive (405,000 unique visits in the last month).