Letters to the editor
← vista completaPublished on June 12, 2020 | http://doi.org/10.5867/medwave.2020.05.7933
Learning at home during the COVID-19 pandemic: An initiative of Latin American students
Aprendiendo en casa durante la pandemia del Covid-19, una iniciativa de estudiantes de latinoamerica
Dear editor,
The Latin American Federation of Scientific Societies of Medical Students (FELSOCEM) was created in 1986, and for 34 years we have worked to fulfill our main objective: To increase the scientific level of Latin American students, promoting research in the area of health in the undergraduate and continuous medical education. These are outreach activities geared towards the community.
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken us by surprise throughout Latin America. Different governments have adopted containment measures, such as social distancing that proves to be effective in situations like this[1]; academic activities at all levels have been suspended in several countries[2], affecting the training of future doctors. For this reason, the FELSOCEM Board of Directors began a campaign to promote continuing education through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), as well as support the policy of promoting social isolation staying in our homes, avoiding the spread of virus infection using time efficiently and productively.
The campaign had the motto: #QuedateEnCasa #AprendeConFelsocem and consisted of providing academic activities in the field of health every day on topics of interest for today and the professional life of students. The campaign started on March 17 with a videoconference with the theme: Current Situation of the COVID 19 Pandemic in Latin America. We continue to carry out this type of activity dealing with topics such as: Where do I access reliable information about COVID 19?; Mental health during the COVID 19 period; Academic trivia on COVID 19, among other topics related to the pandemic.
Although, as medical students, we cannot be on the front lines, it is also possible to adopt necessary measures, and all and any support is valid to combat this terrible crisis that is currently affecting everyone. This is why we strongly encourage other students around the world to take action like this, promoting information of academic interest about COVID-19 while urging them to stay home.