June 2017 - Vol 17, Issue 05
Medical compliance to evidence-based clinical guidelines on secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in a hospital from Lima, Peru: a retrospective study
Zaira Castañeda-Amado, Lesly Calixto-Aguilar, César Loza Munarriz, Félix A Medina Palomino
Medwave 2017;17(05):e6989
Case reports
Neuro-Behçet's disease in Peru: a case report and literature review
Roberto A. Molina, Andrely Huerta-Rosario, Carlos Alexander Alva Díaz, Koni Katerin Mejía Rojas, Nicanor Mori, Roberto Romero Sánchez
Medwave 2017;17(05):e6978
Brief psychosis induced by methylphenidate in a child with attention deficit disorder: a case report and literature review
Juan Carlos Martínez-Aguayo, Marcelo Arancibia, Nicolás Meza-Concha, Camila Bustamante, Javier Pérez-Bracchiglione, Eva Madrid
Medwave 2017;17(05):e6980
Alternative, traditional, or complementary medicine: A perspective of intercultural therapeutic adherence
Rufa Olortegui-Mariño, Jose Galvez-Olortegui, Dany Paredes-Ayrac, Macedonio Villafan-Broncano
Medwave 2017;17(05):e6976
( 8/06/2017)
Is there a relation between public investment and the prevention of metaxenic diseases in the North of Perú?
Joshuan Barboza Meca
Medwave 2017;17(05):e6983
Linear immunoglobulin A dermatosis: A case report
Fernando Valenzuela Ahumada, Roberto Bustos Macaya, Gabriela Paz Romero Morgado, Margarita Sánchez Chacón
Medwave 2017;17(03):e6901
( 5/04/2017)