October 2020 - Vol 20, Issue 09

Systematic review

Characterization and analysis of the basic elements of health payment mechanisms and their most frequent types

Daniela Paredes-Fernández, Rony Lenz-Alcayaga, Karla Hernández-Sánchez, Jael Quiroz-Carreño

Medwave 2020;20(09):e8041

( 1/10/2020)

Stakeholders' perceptions of humanized birth practices and obstetric violence in Chile: A scoping review

Anamaría Silva, Francisco Pantoja, Yoselyn Millón, Verónica Hidalgo, Jana Stojanova, Marcelo Arancibia, Cristian Papuzinski, Luna Sánchez, Michelle Campos

Medwave 2020;20(9):e8047
