November 2021 - Vol 21, Issue 10


Human leukocyte antigen-C and killer immunoglobulin-like receptors in reproductive medicine

Edgard Rodríguez de Frías, Miguel Fernández-Arquero, Nabil Subhi-Issa, Ainhoa Del Olmo, Ignacio Cristóbal, Miguel Ángel Herráiz, Silvia Sánchez-Ramón

Medwave 2021;21(10):e8484


Women’s access to health care: Gaps that the future health care reform in Chile must solve

Daniela Paredes-Fernández, Rony Lenz-Alcayaga, Camila Rojas-Cáceres, María Begoña Carroza Escobar

Medwave 2021;21(10):e8490
