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Characteristics of theses for physician graduation: a cross-sectional study in Peru

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Characteristics of theses from ASPEFAM full member faculties and schools of human medicine (2019).
University location
 Other city107258.32
Type of university
Type of article
 Descriptive cross-sectional77842.33
 Analytical cross-sectional43123.45
 Systematic revision130.71
 Case report60.33
 Not stated150.82
Place of execution
 A single hospital113861.92
 A single private clinic351.90
 Multicenter study281.52
 Secondary database43823.83
 Information not available180.98
Institutional research ethics committee
 Without approval by CIEI1 04356.75
 MINSA Hospital1467.94
 EsSalud Hospital110.63
 Armed or police forces40.22
 University and hospital19410.55
 No indication or no information is available945.11
Health priority
 Traffic accidents10.05
 Metabolic and cardiovascular diseases1055.71
 Respiratory infections and pneumonia452.45
 Sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS452.45
 Malnutrition and anemia713.86
 Metagenic and zoonotic diseases90.49
 Environmental and occupational health351.90
 Maternal, perinatal, and neonatal health47826.01
 Mental health1196.47

AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.ASPEFAM, Peruvian Association of Medical Schools. CIEI, Institutional Research Ethics Committee. EsSalud, Social Health Insurance. HIV, Human Deficiency Virus. MINSA, Ministry of Health.

aIncludes studies conducted at universites, schools, and penitentiaries.

Source: Prepared by the authors of this study.