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Mental health care before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in public healthcare centers of a Chilean municipality

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Median and comparative prevalence of risk factors, determinants, and mental health disorders.
Reason for consultationMedian prevalences 2019Median prevalences 2020P value
Risk factors and mental health determinants0.20.10.606
Sexual abuse000.116
Mood (affective) disorders1.91.80.748
Mild depression0.60.40.3
Moderate depression1.110.606
Severe depression0.300.478
Postpartum depression000.3
Bipolar disorder0.100.949
Mental and behavioral disorders due to psychotropic substance abuse10.40.008 a
Harmful use or alcohol dependence0.50.20.171
Harmful use or drug dependence0.40.10.001 a
Behavioral and emotional disorder of common onset in childhood and adolescence0.60.50.438
Hyperkinetic disorder0.40.30.699
Oppositional defiant and oppositional dissocial disorder0.100.365
Separation anxiety disorder in childhood000.151
Anxiety disorder6.15.30.748
Post-traumatic stress disorder00.10.3
Panic disorder with agoraphobia000.652
Panic disorder without agoraphobia0.20.50.151
Social phobias000.949
Generalized anxiety disorders00.50.562
Other anxiety disorders5.44.30.438
Personality disorder1.40.60.019 a
Pervasive developmental disorders0.30.40.478

a Test U Mann Whitney, p < 0,05.

Assisted patients at the 10 healthcare centers between the first semester of 2019 and 2020.

Source: Prepared by the authors based on the results of the study.