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Functional and nutritional status correlation in elderly patients with hip fracture

Correlación del estado funcional y nutricional en pacientes ancianos con fractura de cadera


Introduction: Hip fractures in elderly patients are related to several factors, among which nutrition and functionality stand out. The presence of alterations in the nutritional state has been related directly with the functional state. Objective: To determine the previous functional state of the patient with a hip fracture, the nutritional state at the moment of admittance and the correlation between both parameters as risk factors for the fracture. Materials and methods: 78 elderly patients with a hip fractured were studied from February 1st, 2009 to December 31st of 2009. The functional and nutritional stated were analyzed. Descriptive statistics and inferential analysis were used with contingency tables to test association with c2. Results: 46.1% were functionally independent and 53.9% had functional impairment. 14.1% presented malnourishment, 48.7% were at risk of malnutrition and 37.2% had normal nutrition. Only the 36.7% with the “nutritional problem” (MNA<24), had functional independence (Barthel=100), versus 62.1% with MNA>24 who were independent.