1er Congreso Universal de las Ciencias y la Investigación

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Caracterización de especies de causando pudrición seca de minitubérculos de papa obtenidos mediante métodos biotecnológicos.

Characterization of Fusarium species causing dry rot of potato minitubers produced by biotechnological approaches


Introducción Potato (Solanum tuberosum L) is the fourth main food crop in the world after maize, rice and wheat. Potato dry rot caused by fungal pathogen is an important disease causing post-harvest rotting and lose of tubers seed quality.

Objetivos To identify and characterize species causing dry rot to Cuban Potato minitubers produced using biotechnological approaches

Método Minitubers with typical symptoms of tuber dry rot were selected from freeze store chambers at Instituto de Biotecnología de las Plantas and processed in the applied microbiology laboratory. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA, Fluka) with components reduced by 50% was used for fungal isolation and Spezieller Nahrstoffarmer Agar (SNA) was used in morphological characterization.

Principales resultados Ten isolates were obtained from potato minitubers. Mycelia growth was very fast in the culture media used and CCIBP-Fp-1 had the greatest growth velocity. Cottony colonies were observed in isolates CCIBP-Fp-1, CCIBP-Fp-6, CCIBP-Fp-7 and CCIBP-Fp-9, felty texture was common in isolates CCIBP-Fp-2, CCIBP-Fp-3, CCIBP-Fp-4 and CCIBP-Fp-8, while subfelty texture was seen in isolates CCIBP-Fp-5 and CCIBP-Fp-10. CCIBP-Fp-2 and CCIBP-Fp-4 isolates showed characteristics similar to , while CCIBP-Fp-3, CCIBP-Fp-5, CCIBP-Fp-6, CCIBP-Fp-7, CCIBP-Fp-8, CCIBP-Fp-9 and CCIBP-Fp-10 corresponded with .

Conclusiones According with cultural and morphological characteristic and were the species causing damages in potato minitubers. These results will facilitate the design of new control alternatives.