1er Congreso Universal de las Ciencias y la Investigación

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Herramientas colaborativas en la enseñanza virtual de la matemática

Collaborative tools in virtual teaching of mathematics


Introducción Technological development is a necessary and indispensable reality, this fact is reflected in society, specifically in the labor, social and educational spheres; ICTs directly influence the teaching development and learning processes, since they promote innovative pedagogical actions; in addition, they generate innovative processes for teaching and learning Objetivos: The research objective was to determine the incidence of collaborative tools in the virtual teaching of mathematics.

Método The methodology was quasi-experimental and quantitative. We worked with 120 students in the eighth year of Superior Basic General Education at the Oscar Efrén Reyes Educational Unit.

Principales resultados Micro-curricular planning was developed that covered the topics of the Eighth-grade mathematics curriculum of Superior Basic General Education: algebraic language, first-degree linear equations, and inequalities; with a duration of 6 weeks. Next, the population was divided into two groups, each with 60 students.

Conclusiones For the development of the research, the objective was set: to determine the incidence of collaborative tools in the virtual teaching of mathematics, after obtaining data and their respective analysis, it was shown that the most frequently collaborative tool used by teachers and students