1er Congreso Universal de las Ciencias y la Investigación

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Uso del kinovea para el análisis del movimiento deportivo, saltabilidad de los jugadores de baloncesto en la etapa de pandemia.

Use of kinovea for the analysis of sport movement, jumping of basketball players in the pandemic stage


Introducción With the emergence of covid-19, biosafety standards established protocols and the use of technology in sports practice during the pandemic. Currently, for sports analysis, new methods are invented to improve and make athletes' technical training more effective. More precise and sophisticated equipment is being built to study sports movement; scientific advances are occurring all the time, technology is reaching all areas of science, and sport is not out of this context. Nowadays, there is movement analysis using sports video analysis in basketball. There is an application called "Kinovea," which helps us, coaches, and athletes, give the best in physical and technical sports preparation Objetivos: To analyze by means of the Kinovea software the vertical jump test after the performance of an anaerobic physical effort in basketball athletes.

Método During the pandemic stage covid -19 in compliance with biosafety standards, 10 basketball players took part in the study, where the software program Kinovea video motion analysis was applied to measure the vertical jump of basketball players after performing a test of anaerobic character explosive race.

Principales resultados The study provides information on the analysis of the vertical jump test, pre and post intervention of a physical effort of an anaerobic character, which was measured with the use of the Software "Kinovea (program of video analysis of sport movement); the study of contrast t student test with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test determines a decrease in the jumping test of the athletes after the realization of an effort of aerobic character. In the first measurement ± 45.32 cm was obtained in the vertical jump, while after the performance of an anaerobic effort ± 43.24 cm was obtained in the vertical jump

Conclusiones The Kinovea application allowed to observe in a better way each of the phases and sequences of the individual techniques of the athlete, in our case of study the jumping tests in basketball players. The movements and the sports technique of the players are very fast, impossible to visualize with the naked eye with the human eye, in such a virtue, we need the help of the kinovea program to analyze carefully and at all times the sports movements. It is concluded that after the realization of an anaerobic effort, the jumping ability of the athletes decreases.