1er Congreso Universal de las Ciencias y la Investigación

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Inglés una puerta al desarrollo mundial: Evaluación a estudiantes universitarios de primer nivel

English, a door for world development: Evaluation of first level university students


Introducción The English language is a requirement in all the higher education institutions in Ecuador.

Objetivos The objective of this research is to identify the level of English of first-level university students.

Método A population of 34 users under a qualitative approach with a descriptive scope was chosen.

Principales resultados It was known that after the speaking, reading, listening and writing evaluations that the highest score was 9.6,by conytrast, the lowest score was 1.8.

Conclusiones The dichotomy of knowledge of the language of study was shown. When evaluating the different components of English, knowledge weaknesses were observed, which leads to improve in the different areas of abstraction of this language.