1er Congreso Universal de las Ciencias y la Investigación

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Revisión sistemática de metodologías de mantenimiento de oleoductos basadas en la industria 4.0

Systematic review of pipeline upkeep methodologies based on industry 4.0


Introducción The oil industry is a complex and resource-intensive sector. The human capital that works in this field must be highly trained and accompanied by technological tools to facilitate their work. They are often obliged to work remotely, as hostile environments endanger their physical integrity. For these reasons, energy extraction and maintenance of equipment and facilities are becoming increasingly arduous and costly.

Objetivos Conduct a systematic literature review of crude oil pipeline maintenance methodologies based on Industry 4.0 to provide a new and validated source of information on issues related to the oil and gas industry.

Método The information will be collected from prestigious databases such as Scopus, IEEE, and Springer. The information collected will be five years old. The PRISMA methodology will be used for the depuration of information and the review of the selected documentation, designed to demonstrate the results found transparently.

Principales resultados Systematic literature review of the different pipeline maintenance methodologies in which Industry 4.0 technological tools have been efficiently applied in the last five years.

Conclusiones The use of different maintenance 4.0 methodologies, in conjunction with the application of various heterogeneous architectures, are promising alternatives to make work within the oil and gas industry efficient and preserve workers' physical and mental integrity.