VIII Congreso Internacional de Investigación REDU

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Análisis espacial y temporal de sequías en una cuenca andina usando el índice de sequía SPEI (1982-2015)

Spatial and temporal analysis of droughts in an Andean basin using the SPEI drought index (1982-2015)

Ciencias de los recursos naturales

Palabras clave
Temporal and spatial analysis, Droughts, SPEI, Andean basins


Droughts are one of the extreme phenomena facing the world, which can harm the socioeconomic activities of the population and ecological balance. Droughts are characterized by indices, which are indicators of environmental and hydrometeorological variables related to the phenomenon (rainfall, flow, frost, among others).In different parts of the world they have used these indices to characterize historical droughts, as well as to predict and project droughts in the future at different spatial and temporal scales.The reduction of precipitation in the Andes causes droughts that result in an alteration of ecosystems services (including the natural regulation of water which is very important in these zones).


The objective of this study is to perform a spatio-temporal analysis of droughts within the Machángara sub-basin (Ecuadorian Southern Andes) by the drought index SPEI. 


The spatio-temporal analysis of drough was developed using the SPEI index with meteorological records in the period 1982-2015. Three aspects were considered to characterize droughts: duration, magnitude and severity The approach used in this study was the threshold level method presented in the literature.

Principales Resultados

Results indicate that the sub-basin has experienced moderate and severe droughts and less frequent extreme droughts, being the month of August the most frequent period of this phenomenon. The spatial and temporal analysis determined that the study area experiences a more significant number of droughts while increasing the decades, with an extension in the whole territory of the sub-basin.


The study focused on characterizing droughts employing the SPEI index in the Machángara River sub-basin. A spatial-temporal analysis of droughts was carried out for the four decades (1980s, 1990s, 2000s and 2010s).  When the decades increase, the number of months in the year in which moderate droughts develop increases as well.  This also increase its extension; at the beginning, moderate droughts developed only in the upper sub-basin; however, in the last decade, these have developed in almost the entire extension of the sub-basin.  These results could be a source of information for decision-making of water managers regarding the formulation of measures of preparation and mitigation to fewer impacts of droughts on the population.