VIII Congreso Internacional de Investigación REDU

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Sistema de analítica de información con SPARQL para consultar DBPEDIA

Information analytics system that uses SPARQL to query DBPEDIA

Desarrollo y sostenibilidad

Palabras clave
Dbpedia, Linked Data, Sparql


Over the years, the Internet has become a medium for storing, transferring, and disseminating information. In this age of knowledge, the Internet has also evolved to become an interconnected platform that contains a large amount of information from different fields. These interconnections can be the source of very interesting knowledge that is not yet exploited. On the other hand, one of the problems of this vertiginous evolution of millions of connected devices that today are known as the Internet of Things is the information overload of organizations and governments, which makes proper processing and management difficult. One of the fields that have evolved to interconnect structured data from different sources is Linked Data. Linked Data is the name that has been given to the method that allows connecting data from different websites, to generate new knowledge from these connections. One of the emblematic projects in this area is DBPedia, which is a set of data obtained from Wikipedia to propose a Semantic Web that allows the automatic analysis of the existing relationships between the structured data created in Wikipedia.
In DBPedia, access to information cannot be queried by normal users and the query mode is through the "virtuous SPARQL query editor". This is a completely free and accessible platform for people who know about handling SPARQL queries. The information displayed in "virtuoso SPARQL query editor" is displayed through links according to the proposed search criteria. This information is not very detailed when performing queries since the searches are carried out using specific parameters.


The present work focused on carrying out applied research that comprehends the analysis, design, and implementation of a search engine prototype that extracts parameterized information from the DBpedia database.


Applied Research (Analysis, Design, Implementation).

Principales Resultados

The novelty of this research project is that the proposed system has been developed to allow dynamic interaction and easy queries through an search interface to the stored DBpedia data.  


The proposed search system enables all kind of non expert users to interact with DBPedia in an easy way.