Vol 13, Issue 10


Is there bias in the current recommendations for influenza vaccine?

Gonzalo Alvear Téllez

Medwave 2013;13(10):e5848


Adenotonsillectomy for childhood sleep apnea: CAT

Cristian Papuzinski Aguayo, Felipe Martínez Lomakin, Felipe Cardemil Morales

Medwave 2013;13(10):e5825

( 4/11/2013)


The deconstruction of family medicine in Mexico: the case of the Mexican Institute of Social Security

Donovan Casas Patiño, Edgar Jarillo Soto, Alejandra Rodríguez Torres, Isaac Casas Patiño, Cuauhtémoc Galeana Castillo

Medwave 2013;13(10):e5856

( 1/12/2013)

Plants with antiviral activity

Eduardo Orrego Escobar

Medwave 2013;13(10):e5854


Present and future of antibiotic therapy

Moisés Morejón García

Medwave 2013;13(10):e5849


Statistics for the faint of heart – how to display your data

Ricardo Aris, Felipe Martínez

Medwave 2013;13(10):e5826
