Vol 13, Issue 11

2013 in review – pleased and proud

Vivienne C. Bachelet

Medwave 2013;13(11):e5870


Emotional intelligence and coronary atherosclerosis: exploratory study using the Trait Meta-Mood Scale

Mariana Suárez-Bagnasco, Guillermo Ganum, Miguel Cerdá

Medwave 2013;13(11):e5867


Life style and nutritional status in university students: a descriptive, cross-sectional study

Diana Córdoba Adaya, Maricela Carmona González, Omar Ernesto Terán Varela, Ofelia Márquez Molina

Medwave 2013;13(11):e5864


Pain assessment and improvement in children treated by accredited nurses: descriptive study

Pilar Brea-Rivero, Víctor Reyes-Alcázar, Manuel Herrera-Usagre, Isabel M Morales-Gil

Medwave 2013;13(11):e5860

( 6/12/2013)

Bioethics framework in seeking answers to family and work dilemmas of an epileptic patient: case-based analysis

Teresa Sosa Sánchez, Ángela Marrero Lemus

Medwave 2013;13(11):e5866


Motor function improvement with mirror therapy in stroke patients: a CAT

Raúl Aguilera Eguía, Edson Zafra Santos, Alejandro Ibacache Palma

Medwave 2013;13(11):e5868
