September 2023 - Vol 23, Issue 08

Original papers

Prevalence and factors associated with cervical cancer preventive screening in a Peruvian region

Bladimir Becerra-Canales, Medalith Campos, Susana Atuncar-Deza, Hanna Cáceres-Yparraguirre

Medwave 2023;23(8):e2709


Burnout levels and associated factors among Intensive Care Unit workers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile: A cross-sectional study

Felipe Ponce-Fuentes, Jenny Collipal-Cayún, Jaime Sepúlveda-Cisternas, Ivan Cuyul-Vásquez, Antonio Roberto Zamuner, Jorge Fuentes-Contreras

Medwave 2023;23(8):e2720
