Implementation experience of an informatic system for the management of hospital beds

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SIGICAM evaluation proposal, designed in collaboration with the clinical and administrative teams of the healthcare centers.
UsersSIGICAM user experienceHealth-ITUES* survey (item: 13,14,15,16,17. Perceived ease of use dimension). Annual comparison.
SIGICAM problem solvingHealth-ITUES survey (item:18,19,20. User control dimension). Annual comparison.
Information technologyAmount of information technology errorsNumber of minor, moderate and major computer errors monthly, semestrial, and annually
Time to solve computer problemsComputer error resolution time
Clinical managementReferral managementNumber of patients referred / Number of patients referred admitted in SIGICAM *100. Annual comparison.
Resolution times of patients on the referral list. Annual comparison.
Bed managementNumber of total patients admitted and discharged in SIGICAM on a monthly, semestrial and annual basis.
Waiting time for bed request and assignment. Annual comparison.
Days of hospital stay according to clinical units. Comparative analysis between functional areas. Monthly, semestrial and annual comparison.
Percentage of compliance with dependency risk categorization by clinical service and functional area. Annual comparison.
Number of blocked beds. Analysis of reasons for bed blocking.
Health-ITUES survey (items: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Dimensions of quality of work activities and perception of usefulness). Annual comparison.
Social case managementMonthly, semestrial and annual number of hospitalized social cases.
Management of patients with Healthcare-Associated InfectionsNumber of patients admitted to the HCAI module. Annual comparison
Administrative managementAdministrative management of MINSAL indicatorsNumber of downloads of management documents: daily census, categorization indicator, list of income and expenses, REM 20, among others.
Human resources managementAnalysis of the number of staff for patient care indicator by dependency risk categorization. Annual comparison.
Hospital bed managementAnalysis of occupied bed days on a monthly, semestrial and annual basis. Annual comparison.
Health-ITUES survey (items: 1,2,11,12. Dimensions of quality of work life and perceived usefulness). Annual comparison.
Financial managementFinancial efficiency and optimizationFinancial resources optimized by reduction in mean occupied bed days. Annual Comparison
Financial resources optimized by reduction of request times and bed allocation. Annual comparison.
Financial resources optimized by reduction of patient resolution time in the referral module. Annual comparison
Financial analysis by DRG. Annual comparison.
Financial resources optimized by distribution of nursing personnel according to risk-dependency categorization.

DRG, Diagnosis-related Groups. HCAI, Healthcare-associated Infections. Health-ITUES, Health Information Technology Usability Evaluation Scale.MINSAL, Ministry of Health. SIGICAM, Hospital Bed Management Information System.

Source: Prepared by the authors based on the results of the system implementation experience *The Health-ITUES survey is an instrument that evaluates the usability of a health information technology tool. It consists of 20 questions distributed in four dimensions: quality of work life, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user control.