Estudios originales

Cross-sectional study on the application and perception of acquired bioethical knowledge in health professionals from pediatric emergency departments

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Knowledge of bioethics in undergraduate and postgraduate studies and perceived competence.
Professionals who have received undergraduate bioethics courses.4284
Undergraduate level at which received a bioethics course.Semesters 1 to 41326
Semesters 5 to 81632
Professionals who took bioethics courses during their professional development.816
Professionals who believe they have bioethics knowledge3060
Professionals with bioethics knowledge by age< 30 years918
30 to 50 years1938
50 years24
Professionals with bioethics knowledge by years of professional experience51020
5 to 101122
10 to 20612
> 2036

Notes: Data by age group and professional experience.

Source: Prepared by the authors based on the results of the study.