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A cross-sectional study on the quality of life and psychosocial risk of migrant workers

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Comparison of the ISTAS-21 five dimensions between educational level, type of migrant workers' contract, hours of work per week, monthly income, and initial region where migrant workers arrived in Chile.
D1 Psychological demands at workD2 Active work and skills developmentD3 Social support in the company and quality of leadershipD4 Compensation and self-esteemD5 Double presence
VariablesMedian (interquartile range)Risk levelP value12Median (interquartile range)Risk levelP value12Median (interquartile range)Risk levelP value12Median (interquartile range)Risk levelP value12Median (interquartile range)Risk levelP value12
Educational level
Elementary school incomplete or complete8 (7 to 12)Low0.6328 (4 to 9)Medium0.2185 (2 to 8)Medium0.038**7 (6 to 8)High0.0764 (3 to 6)High0.14
High school incomplete or complete8 (6 to 11)Low7 (4 to 8)Medium6 (3 to 10)Medium6 (4 to 8)High4 (2 to 6)High
Technical incomplete or complete9.5 (5.5 to 13)Low5.5 (3.5 to 8.5)Low7.5 (3.5 to 8)High6 (3.5 to 7.5)High6 (4 to 7)High
University degree incomplete or complete8 (5 to 10)Low5 (3 to 8)Low3 (2 to 6)Low4 (1 to 8)Medium4 (2 to 5)High
Postgraduate incomplete or complete9 (7 to 11)Medium6 (3 to 8)Medium5 (4 to 9)Medium6 (2 to 8)High4 (4 to 6)High
Employment contract type
Fixed term7.5 (5 to 10)Low0.2656 (4 to 9)Medium0.6184 (2 to 8)Medium0.7245 (3.5 to 7.5)Medium0.8333.5 (2 to 5)Medium0.218
Indefinite9 (6 to 11)Medium5.5 (3 to 8)Low5 (2 to 8)Medium5 (2 to 8)Medium4 (3 to 6)High
For work or task8 (5 to 11.5)Low6 (4 to 8)Medium4 (2 to 7)Medium6 (4 to 8)High4 (3 to 5.5)High
Fee or part-time4 (2 to 13)Low7 (3 to 8)Medium5 (3 to 9)Medium6 (4 to 8)High4 (3 to 6)High
Working hours per week
29 hours or less10 (7 to 14)Medium0.5483.5 (3 to 5)Low0.1323 (1 to 5)Low0.2244.5 (0 to 7)Medium0.0856 (4 to 7)High0.186
30 to 43 hours9 (5 to 12)Medium5 (3 to 8)Low4 (2 to 8)Medium7 (4 to 8)High4 (3 to 6)High
44 hours8 (6 to 10)Low6 (4 to 8.5)Medium5 (2 to 8)Medium5.5 (2 to 8)Medium4 (2 to 6)High
Monthly income (CLP)
100 to 300 thousand8 (5 to 12)Low0.5716 (4 to 8)Medium0.5195 (3 to 8)Medium0.9296 (4 to 8)High0.1344 (4 to 6)High0.27
301 to 600 thousand8 (7 to 11)Low5 (3 to 8)Low5 (2 to 8)Medium4 (2 to 8)Medium4 (2 to 6)High
More than 600 thousand7 (4.5 to 10)Low6 (3.5 to 9)Medium4 (1 to 8.5)Medium6 (3 to 10)High4 (3.5 to 4)High
Initial region of arrival in Chile
Maule8.5 (6 to 11)Medium0.02425.5 (3 to 8)Low0.2035.5 (3 to 8)Medium0.00126 (4 to 8)High0.1884 (3 to 6)High0.187
Santiago9 (8 to 10)Medium5 (2 to 8)Low4 (2 to 5)Medium4 (1 to 8)Medium3.5 (1 to 4)Medium
Other regions6 (4 to 8)Low7 (5 to 9)Medium2 (0 to 4)Low4 (1 to 4)Medium4 (3 to 8)High

CLP, Chilean pesos.

1P value < 0.05 Mann-Whitney U test.

2P value < 0.05 Kruskal Wallis test.

Source: Prepared by the authors based on the results of the study.