1er Congreso Universal de las Ciencias y la Investigación

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Motivación docente como estrategia de enseñanza de la educación física: una revisión sistemática

Teacher motivation as a teaching strategy for physical education: a systematic review


Introducción The teaching motivation has been analyzed from the psychological aspect, Abraham Maslow American psychologist developed the theory of motivation in human beings, which establishes certain hierarchies to support various aspects and meet human needs, that is, it is a process of stimulation to achieve the desired goals; Being a characteristic of human psychology includes factors that channel and sustain behavior; therefore it is essential to feel motivated to perform each of the actions, so motivation in physical education is proposed as a positive factor to promote healthy lifestyles during the educational and socializing process of the individual. Motivation is channeled to satisfy psychological needs and promote positive consequences related to concentration, vitality, effort and the intention to be physically active. The area of Physical Education presents great expectations related to the motivational teaching, a variety of pedagogical activities adequate to the needs of the students in the physical, mental and axiological aspects, strengthening an education in values and the attitudes of the student body.

Objetivos To carry out a systematized bibliographic review of the process of teacher motivation during physical education teaching.

Método This article establishes a documentary review, related to teacher motivation during physical education teaching. A literature review of the main research related to the subject under study was carried out, using the following indexed databases: Scopus, Elseiver, Scielo, Redalyc, Dialnet and Google Scholar; using search descriptors through the use of keywords: "Motivation, Physical Education, Teaching, Psychology", in English, Portuguese and Spanish in the last ten years.

Principales resultados During the selected period, the literature review allowed the identification of several works; however, this document presents the most significant studies that contribute to the theoretical support related to motivation applied to physical education. The selection of works included regional and international scientific articles, research reports and doctoral theses. The analysis of the identified contents was carried out according to a theoretical-methodological perspective of reflection, using the analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive methods. The databases identified in Scielo correspond to 11.9%; Taylor & Francis 7.8%; Dialnet 12.1%; Redalyc 2.0%; Scopus 14.0% and Google Scholar 52.2% being the largest search contribution with a total of 32561 of 63947 articles found.

Conclusiones After the analysis of the information gathered, it was possible to conclude that when the teacher provides both theoretical and practical motivational support, it helps to strengthen the psychological needs of the students, that is, a self-determined motivation can be perceived in the educational field of physical education, an integral formation of the human being focused on the bio-psycho-social aspect of the students, thus highlighting the teaching work and the motivational pedagogical aspect in the construction of significant learning at a cognitive and affective level.