VIII Congreso Internacional de Investigación REDU

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Análisis de Factibilidad de un Sistema de Energía Basado en Hidrógeno generado mediante Energía Solar y Eólica en el Ecuador

Analysis of Feasible Energy System based on Hydrogen generated from Solar and Wind Energies in Ecuador

Desarrollo tecnológico y procesos energéticos

Palabras clave
Energy Vector, Hydrogen, Renewable Energy


Ecuador´s energy system, as most of the industrialized societies, faces the problem of securing the correct use of energy resources. Access to sustainable energy and the negative impact of the energy sector on the environment has increased over the last decade social and political awareness about the need for the development of clean technologies that can be coupled with primary energy sources (fossil fuels) to maintain a reliable energy system capable of guaranteeing the demand of the country. In recent years, hydrogen has emerged as one viable energy vector due to its feasible incorporation with renewable energies and have been considered as one of the best options to integrate into the medium and replace in the long term, the well-established energy matrix based on fossil fuels.


This research aims to analyze the data obtained from different sources to study the viability to establish an energy system based on hydrogen produced from solar and wind power in Ecuador.


The methodology consists: First, in a literature review and state of the art of hydrogen generation from renewable energy sources, in academic journals, articles, books, theses, national and international reports and official national documents such as “Atlas Solar y Atlas Eólico del Ecuador”. Second, an analysis of the data obtained from the Atlas Solar y Atlas Eólico del Ecuador, to evaluate the electric potential that could be achieved from Eolic and photovoltaic parks and finally, the interpretation of the data to estimate the possible hydrogen production and its practicality to implement as a feasible energy system. 

Principales Resultados

The Energy System based on Hydrogen from Solar and Wind energies is a system whose primary sources are solar and wind energy, followed by hydrogen generation. Ecuador has great potential for the development of this system, due to the constant and almost perpendicular solar radiation and the wind available resources. For example, it was taken into account the months with the lowest and highest radiation levels in the year in Ecuador, with an average of 4.3 KWh/m2/day for the lowest month (May) and 4.9 KWh/m2/day for the highest month (September). Moreover, a similar approximation was performed for wind energy, resulting in a potential energy generation of 1520 GWh/year.


From the results achieved, is evident the feasibility of a system based on hydrogen from solar and wind energy in Ecuador. Hydrogen would be used as a storage system for the energy produced by primary sources such as wind and solar, producing hydrogen when the energy demand falls and using the stored hydrogen when demand peaks rise, making it sustainable and compatible with the current energy system in Ecuador. Nevertheless, it is important to highlight that for the implementation of the energy system in the short-medium term, it is crucial the joint work from academia, private industry and the government. The authors acknowledge the financial support received from the Technical University of Ambato, Research and Development Directorate through the project number PFICM23.