Vol 11, Issue 09


Inequality in health – OECD statistics for Chile

Vivienne C. Bachelet Norelli

Medwave 2011;11(09):e5128

( 1/09/2011)

Clinical trials on adverse events of therapy

Miguel Araujo Alonso

Medwave 2011;11(9):e5132

( 1/09/2011)

Comparison of the percentage of a sample with the percentage of the universe

Fernando Quevedo Ricardi

Medwave 2011;11(9):e5136

( 1/09/2011)

Prevalence of dyslipidemia in the population aged 45 to 64 years assisted by attending physician of the Institución de Asistencia Médica Colectiva

Marcelo Morales, María Rosa Barizo, Elbio Milano, Héctor Lucian

Medwave 2011;11(09):e5129

( 2/09/2011)

Factors that determine food selection in vulnerable women of the Municipality of Talcahuano

Claudia Troncoso Pantoja, Vanessa Céspedes Cantillana, Paulina Cifuentes Ruiz

Medwave 2011;11(09):e5124

( 1/09/2011)

Small study groups: a search for evidence

Patricio Herrera Labarca, Carlos Valenzuela Yuraidini

Medwave 2011;11(9):e5133

( 1/09/2011)

Medwave 2011;11(09):e5159

( 1/09/2011)


Medwave 2011;11(09):e5172

( 6/09/2011)