June 2021 - Vol 21, Issue 05

Research papers

Physical activity and sedentary behavior in medical students at a Peruvian public university

Ademir Janampa-Apaza, Tessy Pérez-Mori, Lindsay Benites, Kelly Meza, Joseph Santos-Paucar, Rushmely Gaby-Pérez, Iván Francia-Romero, Juan Morales

Medwave 2021;21(05):e8210


Clinical and tomographic characterization of patients with interstitial lung disease at the Trujillo Regional Teaching Hospital, Peru

Luis Alejandro Rodríguez-Hidalgo, Luis Alberto Concepción-Urteaga, Julio Santos Hilario-Vargas, Jorge Luis Cornejo-Portella, Oscar Nieri Alquizar-Horna

Medwave 2021;21(05):e8221
