5th International Congress on Health Sciences Research - II International Seminar on Nutrition and Food Health of the Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Vol 21, Issue S1

Community intervention strategy based on the attention to indigenous communities, peoples and nationalities in the field of interculturality and ancestral knowledge for the prevention of the Covid 19 Disease

Elena Vicenta Hernández Navarro, Lizette Elena Leiva Suero, Gabriela Estefania Robalino Morales, Sandra Elizabet Villacís Valencia, Josue Acosta Acosta

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS01


Anthropometric variables of ethrophic and obese schools and adolescents

Gerardo Fernández, Carolina Arráiz de Fernández, Anahi Cardenas, Andres Martinez, Johanna Lopez

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS02


The development of gestational diabetes and its consequences in the newborn in Ecuador

Byron Vidal Morán Almendáriz, Karelis Karina Franco Altamirano, Antonella Alexandra Maridueña Navas, Grecia Elizabeth Encalada Campos

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS03


Development and results of a platform based on Emerging Technologies for patient care in the Covid 19 pandemic

Lizette Elena Leiva Suero, Jesús Onorato Chicaiza Tayupanta, Ricardo Xavier Proaño Alulema, Carlos Fernando Melendez Tamayo, Graciela de Las Mercedes Quishpe Jara, Elena Vicenta Hernández Navarro

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS04


The Baby Led Weaning (BLW) method vs Parent Led Weaning (PLW) in children of 6 to 24 months: bibliographic review

María Gabriela Vaca Tenorio, Francisned Guaña Escobar, Bryan Javier Aguilar Morales, Marilyn Anais Guamán Chipantiza, Leila Alejandra Benavides Anchatuña, Verónica Elizabeth Guanga Lara

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS10


Test adapted as an evaluation instrument to detect motor coordination impairment in the elderly

Gabriela Estefania Robalino Morales, Juan Manuel Briceño Piña

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS09


Streeter's dysplasia (amniotic flange syndrome) about a case

Manuel Fidel Cárdenas, María Elena Asimbaya Jaramillo

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS12


Vaccines against COVID-19, a challenge in global Health

Iván Toapanta Yugcha, María Rodríguez Flores, Nataly Rea Chusin, Jairo Villacis Benavides

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS15


The song as a music therapy medium in cerebral palsy

Fabricio Vásquez de la Bandera, Fernanda Flores, Diana Velastegui

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS19


Factors associated with fragility and its relationship with the speed of walking of the older adult

María José Proaño Poveda, María Augusta Latta Sánchez, Grace Verónica Moscoso Córdova, Paola Gabriela Ortiz Villalba

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS06


Community actions to prevent the risk of Covid-19

Marlene Baño

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS07


Tinnitus, prevalence in the basic hospital "yerovi-mackuart" of salcedo during the year 2019

Manuel Fidel Cárdenas, Micaela Alexandra Agualongo Hidalgo

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS11


Impulsivity and its relationship with suicide risk in adolescents in the province of Tungurahua

Diana Velastegui, Fernanda Flores, Fabricio Vásquez de la Bandera, Ismael Gaibor

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS13


University Welfare in support of Health Research

Sara Guadalupe, Andrea Grijalva, Gabriela Cruz, Fernanda Toasa, Soledad Gutiérrez

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS14


Variants of SARS-CoV-2, and their influence on Public Health

Iván Yugcha, Maria José Rodriguez, Nataly Chusin

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS16


Importance of diet and the treatment of mental illnesses

María Yomaira Muñoz Medina, Cristina Alexandra Arteaga Almeida, Alberto Bustillos

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS20


Selective Igg immunodeficiency associated with Stevens-Johnson syndrome and respiratory allergies

Josue Acosta Acosta, Luis Alfonso Carranza Sánchez, Sandra Elizabeth Villacis Valencia, Alberto Bustillos

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS21


Current approach in the diagnosis and therapeutics of the patient with angina microvascular

Lenier León, Noemi Andrade, Isvel Perón Carmenates, Norma del Carmen Castro Acosta, Alberto Bustillos

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS23


Cervical lesions associated or not with HPV and its correlation of colposcopic and histopathological findings in women treated at the Tungurahua Oncology Unit

Yenddy Carrero, Guadalupe Semblantes Paredes, Jissela Reinoso Estrella, Michelle Paredes Ortiz, Ivan Recalde

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS24


Expression of BAX and BCL2 in cervical lesions

Jéssica Mestanza, Yenddy Carrero, Iveth Núñez

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS25


Predisponent factors and tarv adhesion in HIV-infected patients in Cotopaxi

Graciela de las Mercedes Quishpe Jara

Medwave 2021;21(S1):eCS08
