Vol 22, Issue S1


Definition of the Urban Quality Index of Quito as a means of formulating Local Public Policies

Xavier Olmedo Barragán Martínez, Gabriel Francisco Cevallos Martínez

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI145


Sources for the recovery of the urban history of Ambato, Ecuador. Rescue and promoting of the 1951 city plans

Nelly Peralta Viera, Paulina Moreno Peralta, Fabián Santiago López Ulloa

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI146


Study of the vulnerability of buildings due to seismic risks. Case study, Ambato-Ecuador

Ana Angélica López Ulloa, Byron Genaro Cañizares Proaño

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI147


Environmental factors incidence on the facades of heritage buildings in the Historic Center of Cuenca - Ecuador. A model scenario

María del Cisne Aguirre Ullauri, Javier Bernardo Cabrera Mejía, Pedro Javier Angumba Aguilar, Julio César Pintado Farfán, Carlos Ernesto Guerrero Granda

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI138


City, Policy and Urban Management. Quito case study

Sergio Andrés Bermeo Álvarez

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI141


Social use of knowledge, projective standard, and historic and natural heritage in university campuses

Victor Hugo Molina Dueñas

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI142


Assessment of the effectiveness of contingency plans for volcanic eruptions for heritage buildings in the center of Quito

Jorge Ponce Tamayo, Frank Ylihe Bernal Turiño, Sebastián Alvarado Grugiel

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI143


Spatial injustice in the public production of the urban space of Riobamba, Ecuador

Luis Deliberto Llacas Vicuña

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI144



The new Ecuadorian television model: RTU marketing

Ana Cecilia Vaca Tapia, Verónica Crespo-Pereira, Ambar Micaela Espinosa-Andrade, Roberto Xavier Manciati-Alarcón

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI137


Sociedad y desarrollo de las humanidades--VIII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN REDU

Corruption and excessive public spending main causes of Colombia's fiscal deficit

Jasleidy Astrid Prada Segura

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI109


The Adoption of Convention C156, (ILO) Workers with Family Responsibilities: Ecuador, a Case Study

Solimar Herrera Garcés

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI110


Rethinking education from a decolonial perspective

Juan Ramón Cadena Villota, Mónica Jacqueline Viteri Gordillo

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI111


A look at gender violence against women in the province of Manabí, from the statistical systematization of OVIGEMA, 2019-2020

Alba Liliana Moreira Pinargote, Zita Lucía Zambrano Santos, Orlando Rafael Lazo Pastó

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI113


Relative Importance Index as a method for the hierarchy of variables within the learning of Chemistry practices. Nueva Esperanza Educational Unit Ambato-Ecuador, 2020

Sofía Alejandra Torres Aleaga, Brayan Andrés Cedeño Panchez, Elizabeth Yolanda Pérez Alarcón, Anabel Alejandra Velasco Chaluisa

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI117


The bodily senses and the constitution of the Quichua world: from the scholastic hermeneia of the 16th century

Segundo Fabián Potosí Cachimuel

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI119


Cultural landscape, identity, belonging and tourism specialized in non-traditional cemeteries. Case studies in Bolivia

Enrique Richard, Denise Ilcen Contreras Zapata, Gonzalo García Crispieri

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI120


Cyclist Mortality in Ecuador: A National Analysis from 2004 to 2017

Simone Cordovez-Macías

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI122


The Agronomy curriculum: Elements that support its relevance

Yonaiker Navas-Montes, Silvia Rosa Pacheco Mendoza, Sonia Salazar Ramos, Luis Verdezoto del Salto, Manuel Monar Solorzano

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI124


The National Archive of Ecuador. Resources to understand the history of Ambato and the province of Tungurahua

Fabián Santiago López Ulloa, Elizabeth Fariño Vallejo

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI125


Analysis of the Biopolitical approach of the Food - Nutritional Public Policies of Ecuador for the first year of life

Gladys Gabriela Caicedo Echeverría

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI130


Environmental perspective of the social responsibility of a Higher Education Institution in Quito-Ecuador

Katherine Alejandra Baca-Cajas, Christian Bolívar Guerrero Becerra, Andrea Rodríguez-Guerra

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI131


The listening narrative. As an artistic-creative experience in digital communication students: The case of Sazón Sonora

Andrea Jhaneth Vaca Vaca, Gonzalo Ordóñez

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI133


Legal Pluralism: facing multiculturalism and interculturality: An analysis from the Ecuadorian Constitutional context

Julia Raquel Morales Loor, Ciro Milione Fugali, Miguel Agudo Zamora

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI136


Institutionalization of the gender approach in Higher Education: a challenge for women's scientific careers

María del Cisne Aguirre Ullauri, Magdalena Emilia Ordóñez Gavilánes, María Cristina Useche Aguirre, Johanna Rosalí Reyes Reinoso, Enma Alexandra Espinosa Iñiguez

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI107


Characterization of a Virtual Language Exchange (VLE) program as a strategy for the internationalization of a public university

Katherine Salvador-Cisneros, Lidia Govea de Bustamante, Wendy Rivera Alvarado, Darguin Padilla Mina, Cindy Bolaños-Mendoza

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI108


Power and gender influence: an analysis from the social and academic relationships of university students in the city of Quito

Francisco Xavier Dillon Pérez, Irina Alejandra Freire Muñoz

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI112


Weaving Women: gender, world heritage and public policy in Manabí. A decolonial look

Alba Liliana Moreira Pinargote

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI114


Enhancing the English speaking skill development through neurolinguistics programming techniques. a preliminary study

Andrea Karina Carvajal Gavilanes, Diego Andrade, Edgar Encalada

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI115


Doctrinal arguments on the legal capacity of nature in the Hispanic American context

Lady María Andrade Hdidovo

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI116


A look at disability from a labor and legal approach in Ecuador

Rosa Marina Mera Leones, Zita Lucía Zambrano Santos

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI118


The indigenous students’ Kichua language vitality in the “Unidad Educativa del Milenio Bilingüe Pueblo Chibuleo”, from Ambato, based on the teachers’ perspective

Raúl Yungán Yungán, Beatriz Alexandra Freire Cunalata, Blanca Nathaly Velastegui Ramos, Karla Estefania Imbaquingo Vasquez

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI121


The visual archive of Ecuadorian clothing: AVVE and the dress as an object of material culture

Taña Elizabeth Escobar Guanoluisa

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI123


Audit and Security of Information Systems aimed at the business sector

Marcelo Leon, Xavier Mosquera, Edison Pozo

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI126


Conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 and information/disinformation in social networks: an exploratory study in college students

Carlos Reyes Valenzuela, Sonia Egas Balseca, Marcos Zumárraga Espinosa

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI127


Pedagogic guide of self-evaluation procedure at the Medical University

María Narciza Cedeño Zamora, Elena Vicenta Hernández Navarro, Lizette Elena Leiva Suero

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI128


University Reform of Córdoba and the "American Hour" for Women Academic Authorities

María Alexandra Clavijo Loor, Liliana Ibeth Castañeda Rentería

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI129


Characterization of virtual learning in the time of pandemic, the case of students of eighth, ninth and tenth years of basic education from the province of Imbabura (Ecuador)

Miguel Posso Yépez, Verónica León Ron, Ángela Makaela Posso Astudillo

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI134


Usability of educational video games as a teacher's tool in virtuality - an evaluation model

Nayeth Idalid Solórzano Alcívar, Anthony Jair Pincay Lino, Gema Nicole Toapanta Cedeño, Elizabeth Stefania Elizalde Rios, Diego Alejandro Carrera Gallego

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI135


Ethnicity and Gender Inequality Gaps in Ecuadorian Education

Héctor Santiago López Zurita, Paula Marcela Vega Rivera, Susana Patricia Zurita Alava

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI132

( 1/01/1970)


Intellectual Capital and its Impact on the Financial Efficiency of Commercial and Manufacturing Companies of Pichincha Province

David Andrés Chushig Tene, Danny Iván Zambrano Vera, Vicente Rolando Merchán Rodríguez

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI77


Impact of tourism mobility on tourism destination competitiveness. Case study of the rural micro-regions of Quito

Xavier Bolívar Lastra Bravo, Bryan Alexis Urbina Montero, María Piedad Lincango Chorlango

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI78


Incidence of the capital structure on the risk of the commerce sector in Ecuador in the years 2014 to 2019

Reinaldo Armas Herrera, Angel Alexander Higuerey Gómez

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI80


Reconsideration of the BCG analysis. An alternative proposal for SMEs

Gelmar García Vidal, Laritza Guzmán Vilar, Reyner Francisco Pérez Campdesuñer, Alexander Sánchez Rodríguez, Rodobaldo Martínez Vivar

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI81


Incentives for positive externalities of production: An approximation of their effects on sustainable local development in Ecuador

María Isabel Castillo Ortiz, Fabio Ramírez Cárdenas

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI88


Information analytics system that uses SPARQL to query DBPEDIA

Oswaldo Moscoso-Zea, Edison Morocho

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI90


Representation of territorial complexity through the coremas: structures and dynamics of the Ecuadorian space

Caterina Tuci, Fernando Barragan Ochoa, Giannina Elizabeth Zamora Acosta, Victor López Acevedo, Diego Esteban Martínez Godoy

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI97


Platform based on Emerging Technologies for the comprehensive management of the Covid-19 pandemic

Lizette Elena Leiva Suero, Jesus Onorato Chicaiza Tayupanta, Graciela de las Mercedes Quishpe Jara, Ricardo Xavier Proaño Alulema, Elsa de los Ángeles Hernández Cherrez, Carlos Fernando Meléndez Tamayo, Elena Vicenta Hernández Navarro, Alcides Alberto Bustillos Ortiz

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI99


Circular economy in action for the recovery of agro-industrial waste from the manufacture of avocado oil

Alicia E. Sommer-Márquez, Enrique Tapia Maldonado, Edward Ávila Sosa, Luis Corredor González

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI101


Business characteristics in the adoption of innovation patterns

Carolina Reyes Vintimilla, José Leonardo Vera Reino, Marcelo Calle Calle, Luis Pinos Luzuriaga

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI79


Use of slag waste, plastic particles and rubber dust in the manufacture of vehicular concrete pavers

Ana Paulina Ortiz Viñán, Santiago Renán Carranza Jaramillo, Juan Francisco González Hurtado

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI83


Application of urban resilience in a territorial development project

Sonia Emilia Leyva Ricardo, Bolívar Josue Encarnación Fernández

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI85


End Users and the implications of cloud Computing for business innovation and sustainability

Marcelo Leon, Maria Claudia Rivas, Otto Suarez

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI86


Nanocomposites based on Thermoplastic Starch reinforced with Montmorillonite and Organically Modified Montmorillonite: A Review

Katherine Elena Rivadeneira Velasco, Christian Alexander Utreras Silva, Rose Mary Michell Uribe, Alicia Estela Sommer Márquez, Antonio Diaz Barrios, Juan Pablo Tafur

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI87


Synthesis in situ of Prussian Blue into silica monoliths by using mining wastewater

Kimberly F. Montesdeoca-Arredondo, Juan Pablo Saucedo Vázquez, Lola De Lima El Juri, Alicia E. Sommer-Márquez

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI89


Heavy metals removal from carwash wastewater by adsorption on limestone, activated carbon and peat: determination of adsorption isotherms and effect of the pollutant matrix

Rodny David Peñafiel Ayala, Celia Margarita Mayacela Rojas, Fabián Rodrigo Morales Fiallos, Lenín Rafael Maldonado Narváez, Bryan Gilmar Aguas Salazar

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI91


What drives sustainable NTFP production from subsistence harvesting? The case of Caesalpinia spinosa in southern Ecuador

Diana Encalada, Luz María Castro-Quezada, Omar Cabrera, Fabián Reyes-Bueno, Pablo Ramón, Bruno Paladines

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI92


Technical and economic feasibility study of a variable refrigerant flow air conditioning system based on solar energy

Juan Peralta, Emerita Delgado, Bryan Coello, Danilo Arevalo, Ian Sosa, Marco Flores, Jorge Abad

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI93


Landslide inventory update from low-cost tools in Cuenca, Ecuador

Chester Sellers, Sandra Buján

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI94


Temporal land cover changes assessment in biosphere reserves: visualization and mapping techniques

Andrea Urgilez-Clavijo, David Rivas-Tabares, Juan de la Riva

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI96


Extraction and phytochemical characterization of the peel Ecuadorian Musa Acuminata as a potential green corrosion inhibitor for copper admiralty (CDA 443)

María Belén Cánchig Rodríguez, Ruth Fidelina Oropeza Orea, Alex Uriel Palma Cando, Paola Elizabeth Ordoñez Vivanco

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI98


Thermal evaluation of a prototype housing built with straw bale walls in Quito-Ecuador

Paulina Viera, Freddy Tapia, José María Monzó

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI100


Desarrollo tecnológico y procesos energéticos-VIII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN REDU

Business intelligence model to support decision-making in merchandise clearance companies

Lidia Alexandra Borbor Ruiz, Pedro Fabricio Echeverría Briones

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI49


Analytical Big Data for decision support in Internet Access Service providers

Xavier Antonio Mosquera Rodríguez, Rosa Fernanda Serpa Román

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI52


Self-built and seismic-resistant housing using closed-cycle materials, in Pasa parish, canton Ambato, Ecuador

Luis Manuel Fernández Delgado, Cristian Fernando López Fuentes

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI53


Balancing techniques for imbalanced datasets

Luis Cedeño-Valarezo, Jessica Morales-Carrillo, César Andrade-Sánchez, Javier López-Zambrano

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI55


Synthesis and characterization of adsorbent and photocatalytic materials to methylene blue removal from wastewater

Ximena Verónica Jaramillo Fierro, Silvia González Pérez, Francesc Medina

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI58


Modular analysis of the GRP structure of a planing craft for Galápagos interisland service

José R. Marín L., Nadia R. Muñoz A., Jean C. Alvarez T., Milton B. Pita V.

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI59


Analysis of Feasible Energy System based on Hydrogen generated from Solar and Wind Energies in Ecuador

Luis Felipe Contreras Vásquez, Luis Eduardo Escobar Luna, Jorge López-Velastegui

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI63


Facial expression recognition system for the NAO humanoid robot

Leonardo Fabián Rentería Bustamante, Celia Margarita Mayacela Rojas, Yozef Andre Pazmiño Rentería, Rolando Bolivar Donoso Real

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI67


Progressive Estimation: agile estimation technique

Verónica del Consuelo Tapia Cerdá, Miryan Dorila Iza Carate, Verónica Marcela Zapata Yánez

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI70


Mathematical models to determine the location of nanosatellites, based on geometric relationships and physical principles of distance measurement

Fausto Freire Carrera, Evgeny Titenko, Sergey Frolov, Egor Shilenkov, Aleksey Shitov, Elena Skipkina

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI73


Stabilization system for nanosatellite type CubeSat 3U

Fausto Freire Carrera, Karla Mora Cajas

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI74


Synthesis and characterization of Gel Polymer Electrolytes (GPEs) composed of Chitosan-VAVTD-KOH for application in Zn batteries

Alisson Andrea Iles Velez, Antonio Diaz Barrios, Antonio Fernandez Romero, Florencio Santos, Juan Pablo Tafur Guisao

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI75


Reinforced Polymers in Biomedical Applications: An Analysis

Miguel Ángel Carrasco Cordero, Jose Antonio Suarez Loor, Melina Nicole Jaramillo Ulloa, Haci Baykara

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI76


Analysis of the stress-strain behavior of structural steels for the bodybuilding sector through physical tests and finite element methods

Javier Martinez, Karen Acurio, Javier Martínez-Gómez, Diego Fernando Bustamante, Gustavo Adolfo Moreno Jiménez, Paolo Salazar, Jaime Vinicio Molina Osejos, Catalina Vallejo Coral, Geovanna Villacreses

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI46


Preheating temperature in the SMAW welding of gray cast iron

Oscar Fabián Tene Salazar, Fernando Raúl Galarza Chacón, Segundo Manuel Espín Lagos, Christian Byron Castro Miniguano

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI47


Comparative Analysis of Mixed Mode Fracture of Polyolefin Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Wladimir José Ramírez Cabrera, Marcos García Alberti, Álvaro Picazo Iranzo, Jaime Carlos Gálvez Ruiz, Celia Margarita Mayacela Rojas

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI48


Evaluation of the geometry of the UASB anaerobic reactor for energy use of livestock waste from cattle

Edda Marisela Vélez Meza, Jorge Edwin Granja Ruales, Néstor Vicente Vélez Meza, Ana Trinidad Vélez Meza

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI50


Blockchain technology: a tool for the sustainability of hotel companies in Bogota, Colombia

William Eduardo Mosquera Laverde, Claudia Patricia Gomez Espinosa, Roberto Carlos Osorio Mass, Jaime Paez Paez, Fredys Simanca, Jairo Cortes

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI51


An R package for censored spatial data analysis

José Alejandro Ordoñez Cuastumal, Christian Eduardo Galarza Morales, Víctor Hugo Lachos Dávila

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI54


The circular economy and solid waste from service SMEs in the city of Portoviejo

Ivonne Janeixy Palacios Palacios, Shirley Michelle García Prado, Zita Lucía Zambrano Santos

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI56


Web system for the management of food chains based on the configuration of the OPEN Odoo ERP Software: case study in Tungurahua

Liseth Stefanía Jiménez Valencia, Marco Vinicio Guachimboza Villalva, Pilar Lorena Rivera Badillo, Diego Armando Moya Pinta

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI57


Comprehensive risk analysis of internal corrosion in offshore gas condensates systems

Karen Gissela Jaramillo Clerque, Dario Alfredo Viloria Vera, Marvin José Ricaurte Fernandez

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI60


Proximity Spin-Orbit Effects in Co/Graphene using Kwant: A nonequilibrium calculation of the spin densities

Ricardo Vera Nieto, Mayra Peralta, Jose Hugo García

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI61


Design and validation of an experimental prototype of electromagnetic emissions for biotechnological research: cocoa fermentation case

Tania María Guzmán Armenteros, Francisco Javier Paladinez Armijo, Betty Magdalena Forti Torres, Francisco Javier Carpio Velasco, Carlos Isrrael Espin Tapia

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI62


Measurement of soil moisture with spatial sensors

Henry Antonio Pacheco Gil, Juan Ramón Primera, Lizardo Mauricio Reina Bowen, Crishtian Emil Vega Ponce

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI64


Electronic synchrophasor prototype for electrical distribution networks (low voltage)

Nelson David Luna, José Raúl Castro Mendieta, Tuesman Daniel Castillo Calvas

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI65


Analysis of surface roughness of aluminum alloy 7075 considering the significance of cutting parameters in CNC turning machining through design of experiments

Leonidas Esteban Ramírez Gangotena, Angel Isaac Simbaña Gallardo, Edison Walter Intriago Ponce, Cristian Orlando Guilcaso Molina, Willan Pablo Castillo Herrera, Diego Patricio Molina Molina

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI68


Developing magnetic nanoparticles along the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Ecuador

Julio C. Chacón‑Torres, Carlos Reinoso, Daniela G. Navas‑León, Sarah Briceño, Gema González

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI71


Mechanical and thermal characterization of nylon resulting from tire recycling for internal vehicle panels

Diana Belén Peralta Zurita, Jaime Vinicio Molina Osejos, Edilberto Antonio Llanes Cedeño, Gustavo Adolfo Moreno Jiménez, Roxana Elizabeth Valencia Navarrete

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI72


Impact of the Workflow model on the associative management of agricultural organizations

Diego Francisco Aguirre González, Erick García Merino, Mayra Escalante Pineda

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI69

( 1/01/1970)


Analysis of the short agroecological supply chains of the rural sector in Píllaro, Ecuador

Christian Franco-Crespo, Dario García

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI28


Generation of digital maps in 2D and 3D as essential tools for geological and mining works (Case study: India)

Cynthia Estefanía Saltos García, Vanessa Dayana Díaz Quishpe, Bryan Alejandro Reyes Analuisa, Christian Iván Mejía Escobar

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI32


Google Earth Engine application to map land cover in Yasuni Nacional Park in 2019

Hugo Rivera-Torres, Andrés Velástegui-Montoya

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI34


Soil CO2 emissions at Chiles volcano, Ecuador: Survey from Aguas Hediondas and Lagunas Verdes

Zulay Micaela Villarroel Barreno, Celine Mandon, Fátima Viveiros, Doménica Guillén, Katie Nelson

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI36


The current state of the coconut life cycle in Manabí, Ecuador

Gina Isabel San Andrés Zevallos, Sara María Aguilar Sierra

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI37


Automatic recognition and description of sedimentary rocks through Artificial Intelligence

Brigith Estefania Menendez Benalcazar, Richard Andres Ormasa Gutierrez, Jessica Lisseth Peñafiel Salcedo, Vanessa Lorena Yauli Lalaleo, Christian Ivan Mejia Escobar

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI38


Effect of decreasing solar radiation at different stages of development on grain yield in quinoa

Edwin Israel Villavicencio Sáchez, Santiago Cristobal Vásquez Matute

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI40


Electrocoagulation as an alternative drinking water treatment for calcium and manganese removal in the municipality of San Cristóbal, Paute-Ecuador

Jonathan Israel Méndez Ruiz, María Beatriz Barcia Carreño, Cristian Alfonso Salas Vazquez, Priscila Estefania Valverde Armas

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI42


Macroplastic and Microplastic in River Sediment in Vinces and Los Tintos Rivers, Guayas province, Ecuador

Rebecca Talbot, Maritza Cárdenas-Calle, James M Mair, Franklin López, Guillermo Cárdenas, Beatríz Pernía, Mark G J Hartl

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI27


Influence zones generated by physical properties for the characterization of rock material in the field

Ernesto Patricio Feijoo Calle, Andrés Nicolás Aguirre Larriva, Bernardo Andrés Feijoo Guevara

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI29


Spatial and temporal analysis of droughts in an Andean basin using the SPEI drought index (1982-2015)

Darío Xavier Zhiña Villa, Daniel Mendoza, Jheimy Pacheco, Alex Avilés

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI30


Gelatin extraction with acetic acid and using leather industry wastes as raw material

Liliana Mishell Casa Quinapallo, Daniel Alfonso Cabrera Valle

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI31


Lead adsorption through the use of exoskeleton of shrimp and rice husk in industrial wastewater

Carlos Ricardo Delgado Villafuerte, Patricio Javier Noles Aguilar, Carlos Andree Villafuerte Vélez, María Eugenia Pinargote Arauz, Maria Valentina Vera Ramos, Kayna Marilyn Hidalgo Zambrano

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI33


Influence of shade on morphophysiological and nutritional characteristics in young cocoa trees in south-eastern Ecuadorian Amazonia

Alex Oswaldo Guamán Guamán, Santiago Cristóbal Vásquez Matute, Jhonny Fernando Granja Travez, Marlene Lorena Molina Müller, Mirian Irene Capa Morocho

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI35


Evaluation of metals content in soils and carrots (Daucus Carota L.) grown near the Tungurahua volcano

Jorge Alexander Briceño Carrasquel, Mónica del Pilar Silva Ordoñez, Patricio Geovanny Valencia Pérez

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI39


Percepcion and utility of wild's birds in the peasant community Honorato Vasquez, Manabi's province

María Fabiola Montenegro García, Francisco Eduardo Celi Jiménez

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI41


Morphometric techniques applied in the analysis of fault activity in sedimentary basins in southern Ecuador

Fernanda Guarderas, Arturo Egüez, Julio Tapia, Karla Ontaneda, Oscar Saetama

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI44



Presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA on environmental surfaces in Quito – Ecuador

Juan José Guadalupe, Gabriela Pozo, Maria de Lourdes Torres

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI08


Ocurrence of extended-spectrum betalactamases and clonal diversity among Escherichia coli isolates from canines in Ambato, Ecuador

William Calero-Cáceres, Xiomara Garcés, Jessica Tubón, Liliana Lalaleo

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI100


Implementation of a model to predict resistance to carbapenems in Klebsiella pneumoniae using a Machine Learning algorithm

Michelle Marcela Paredes Escobar, Rodrigo Marcelo Grijalva Silva, Sonia Elizabeth Cardenas Delgado

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI13


Surgical site infection prevention strategy in neurosurgery based on risk factors

Gabriela Giovanna Quinatoa Caba, Jesus Onorato Chicaiza Tayupanta

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI04


Role of self samplig for the diagnosis of human papiloma virus

Bernardo Vega, Vivian Alejandra Neira, María Elena Espinoza, Diana López, José Ortíz, Jorge Mejía, Lorena Mora, Lourdes Viñanzaca, Santiago Dávila, María Angélica Morales, Tesifón Parrón, Veronique Verhoeven

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI05


Gene expression of virulence factors in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus causing bacteremia

Kirsty Ximena Noboa Carrasco, Rodrigo Marcelo Grijalva Silva

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI06


Genetic characterization of a collection of Tsantsas from Ecuadorian museums

Verónica Yolanda Baquero Méndez, Karla Estefanía Rojas López, Consuelo Fernández Salvador, Maria Patricia Ordóñez, Maria de Lourdes Torres

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI11


qPCR-based techniques implementation for the quantification of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs)

Ma. Judith Valle Ramos, Andrés Álvarez, Liliana Lalaleo, Gabriela Barragán, William Calero-Cáceres

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI12


Frequency of sexually transmitted infections in asymptomatic women in an urban-peripheral population of Cuenca, Ecuador

Sebastian Efraín Abad Larrea, Lourdes Catalina Viñansaca Atancuri, Samuel Escandon, Vivian Alejandra Neira

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI14


Cognitive and cultural validation of the Asthma Family Costs Questionnaire (AFCQ), Spanish version

Samuel Adrian Escandón Dután, María José Jaramillo Torres, Ana Angélica García García, María José Peñaherrera Vélez, Phillp Cooper, Alvaro A. Cruz, Angelica María Ochoa Áviles

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI16


The citizen observatory of the San Gregorio de Portoviejo University as a factor for the transfer of resilience capacities in the Portoviejo canton of the Manabí province

Verni Leonardo Jácome Santos, Lucía Zambrano Saltos, José Antonio Pedraza

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI18


Predisposing factors and adherence to ART in HIV-infected patients in the province of Cotopaxi, Ecuador

Graciela de las Mercedes Quishpe Jara, Yraima Larreal, Lizette Elena Leiva Suero, Alcides Bustillos Ortiz, Elena Hernández Navarro

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI19


Sea Blue Histiocyte Syndrome and Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia as an expression of tumor recurrence in Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast

Lizette Elena Leiva Suero, Jesus Onorato Chicaiza Tayupanta, Graciela de las Mercedes Quishpe Jara, Elsa de los Angeles Chérrez, Yenddy Carrero Castillo, Elena Vicenta Hernández Navarro, Sandra Villacís Valencia, Alcides Alberto Bustillos Ortiz

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI20


Utility in Genetics of Molecular Interaction Networks and Biological Pathways through the usage of bioinformatic tools

Cristian Fernando Galarza Galarza, Cinthia Katherine Galarza Galarza, Luis Felipe Varela Polit

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI21


Prediction of SOC using Vis-NIR spectroscopy. A comparison of devices for spectra recording

Lizardo Reyna-Bowen, María Teresa Hidalgo, Ramón Leal Murillo, José Alfonso Gómez Calero, Pilar Fernández Rebollo

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI22


Design of Functional Calcium Fluoride Nanoparticles for Bioimaging

Kevin O. Pila-Varela, Cristhian Marcelo Chingo Aimacaña, Dilan Andrés Quinchiguango Pérez, Carlos Reinoso, Frank Alexis, Si Amar Dahoumane

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI24


Design and validation of scales on the generation of opportunities for self-regulation learning in the classroom

Verónica León Ron, Fabiola Sáez Delgado, Javier Mella Norambuena, Yaranay López Angulo, Miguel Posso Yépez, Karina Pabón Ponce

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI25


Determination by PCR of carnivores responsible for attacks on livestock

María José Pozo Andrade, Rebecca Zug, Eduardo Diaz Alcazar, Pablo Alarcón Bolaños, Gabriela Pozo Andrade, María de Lourdes Torres Proaño

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI07

( 1/01/1970)

Hepatitis A: temporal spatial distribution in zone 7 Ecuador

Santos Amable Bermeo Flores, Fabiola María Barba Tapia, Max Vicente González Merizalde, José Eduardo González Estrella, Fabían Augusto Sotomayor Vivanco, Gina Alexandra Cueva Tutillo, Denisse Anabelle Bermeo Armijos

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI09

( 1/01/1970)

Cellulose-based beads as a possible method for drug release in the treatment of Leishmaniasis disease

Genesis Yulisa Guagchinga Moreno, Andrea Carolina Serrano Larrea, Frank Alexis, Javier Santamaría, MSc. Eliana Lara

Medwave 2022;22(S1):eCI26

( 1/01/1970)